VFC Programmes in Yei:
- Research: Conducted Baseline, Midline & Endline Survey in Lasu, Asole, Ronyi and Minyori Boma to explore common social norms causing sexual violence in the community.
- Community Engagement & Action: Formed community discussion groups to create awareness about negative social norms causing sexual violence and response to survivors
- Community Based Care: Capacity building workshops for service providers (police, teachers, health, psychosocial and legal justice actors).
- Advocacy for the supply of Post Rape Care Drugs (PEP Kit) to Yei Civil Hospital and St. Bakhita health centre.
- Support service provider’s forums (GBV cluster) on monthly basis.
- Support live skills curriculum activities in schools (e.g. GBV awareness for adolescent girls/ support to debating and drama clubs in schools).